Uplevel your clarity, confidence & pleasure.


Pleasure is your birthright, however, to access pleasure you need to feel emotionally and physically safe. Individual coaching is a way to address core wounds and heal trauma to re-establish safety in your body and life.

Once we feel safe and secure we can begin to develop self love, re-map limiting beliefs, understand pleasure anatomy and psychology, and clear and integrate any remaining blocks to joy to awaken and access pleasure in a healthy integrated way.

Personal Embodiment Coaching is profoundly transformational, giving you access to your own internal wisdom and guidance, and supporting you in deeply trusting it, so that you can meet life’s challenges successfully and confidently experience more joy, pleasure, connection, and happiness in all aspects of your life.


I specialize in healing trauma, transforming limiting beliefs and conditioning, and dissolving all blocks to self-love, connection, pleasure and joy.

Using a combination of practices from Gestalt, Mind-body integration, NLP, Tantra Parts work, breath work and empowered dialoguing, I support you in accessing the deeper knowledge available to you and healing at a core level. I guide you to find and awaken your voice, to acknowledge what it is you truly desire, and give you the practical tools to create that in your life.

I support individuals at all ages and stages of their lives.


I am particularly passionate about female sexuality and specialize in healing disconnection from our sensual and sexual selves.

Female sexuality is regularly ignored and undervalued in women’s lives. We often hold enormous amounts of guilt, shame, trauma and numbness that can block access to happiness and pleasure both physical and emotional. This often leads to women of all ages and walks of life feeling broken sexually and disconnected from their pleasure bodies.


“Working with Ashley has been and continues to be a life-changing, transformational healing journey.”

— Shannon D.